The international workshop “WavemiX 2023” will take place on the 11th-13th September 2023 at the Institute of Physics of the University of Freiburg.

The WavemiX 2023 will be the third workshop organized by the “Wave mixing in the XUV and X-ray (WavemiX) (” network initiative, whose main goal is to promote the development and application of advanced nonlinear spectroscopic and imaging techniques based on the unprecedented characteristics of extreme ultraviolet and X-ray pulses generated by free electron laser facilities and more recently also by high-order harmonic generation.
The workshop will focus on the latest development in the generation and application of few-femtosecond and attosecond pulses at FELs and HHG Sources, as well as on the development of nonlinear spectroscopic techniques for ultrafast spectroscopy in the XUV and X-ray spectral region.
The workshop will serve as catalyst to promote the discussion of novel approaches for the generation of coherent pulses in these spectral ranges and for the implementation of novel schemes of ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy schemes.
The meeting will be organized in eleven scientific sessions, with a series of invited talks (25+5minutes each) and contributed talks (duration 15+5 minutes each) selected by the scientific committee of the workshop. At the end of the sessions of each day, space for general discussion will be secured through round table discussions led by a chairperson and involving the active participation of the speakers of the sessions of the same day. A final round table discussion is planned to discuss the future initiatives of the network.
To promote the participation of early-stage career researchers, a poster session will complement the scientific program of the meeting.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Freiburg.
Giuseppe Sansone Frank Stienkemeier Lukas Bruder
Previous WavemiX Meetings:
- WavemiX 2021 13–15.01.2021 “Non-linear X-ray spectroscopy” (
- WavemiX 2022 13-15.06.2022 “Non-linear methods in the XUV and X-ray range” (